Title: Resource Economy in Cognitive Modeling
Abstract: To survive, animals need to perceive and act with the computational apparatus evolution has endowed them. Even the most evolved ones, such as humans, have to manage the computational resources they can devote to solving the problems they face. This presentation will review several cognitive modeling studies that are guided by or related to computational resource economization. In particular, ‘reuse of neural circuitry’ and ‘regulation of neural energy cost’ ideas will be exemplified in a brain-inspired modeling context.
Bio: Erhan Oztop earned his Ph.D. at the University of Southern California in 2002. In the same year, he joined the Computational Neuroscience Laboratories at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, (ATR) in Japan. There he worked as a researcher and later a senior research and group leader where he also served as vice department head for two research groups. In 2011, he joined Ozyegin University, Istanbul as a computer science faculty member. Currently, he is a professor at the Computer Science Department of Ozyegin University, and also a specially appointed professor in Osaka University at the Symbiotic Intelligent Systems Research Center (SISReC), Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives (OTRI). His research interests involve computational modeling and analysis of intelligent behavior, human-in-the loop robotic systems, machine learning, cognitive and developmental robotics, and computational neuroscience.