Title: A Brief Introduction to Game Research: Persona Building, Serious Games, and Extended Reality Applications
Abstract: Extended reality, which encompasses augmented, virtual, and mixed reality, as well as serious games, which can be described as games that have ulterior purposes rather than entertainment only, are widely used in diverse disciplines.
In this talk, a brief introduction to game research will be provided with a focus on persona building followed by definitions and types of extended reality applications and serious games from various domains. Also, an extensive survey on the example applications, games and case studies from recent EU-funded projects, primarily the European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters (eNOTICE) and EU Network of Training Centres for preparedness to CBRN Events (eNOTICE-2) projects. Finally, opportunities, challenges and future directions for using extended reality applications and serious games will be discussed.
Bio: Elif Sürer obtained her Ph.D in Bioengineering in 2011 from the University of Bologna. She obtained her M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees in Computer Engineering from Boğaziçi University in 2007 and 2005, respectively. From 2013 to 2015 she worked as a post-doctoral researcher in University of Milan in the EU Project REWIRE where she developed video games for the rehabilitation of stroke and Neglect patients. She joined METU Graduate School of Informatics’s Modeling and Simulation Department in 2015, where she is currently working as an Associate Professor. Her research interests include serious gaming, virtual and augmented reality, human and canine movement analysis, machine learning, and computer vision.