ROMERTalks: Seminar by Dr. Tolga Çukur
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ROMER – Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Technologies Application and Research Center at METU
Bringing researchers from
different disciplines
together in a
common working space
ROMER encourages work in interdisciplinary collaborative groups; providing prototyping workshops and experimental space required for rapid development.
Providing the knowledge and
human resources with
the technical and physical infrastructure required for both
research and industrial prototyping
The infrastructure is supplemented by indoor and outdoor arenas equipped for scientific experimentation.
Developing an integrated graduate program in robotics at METU to train excellent researchers in robotics.
ROMER conducts education and research activities that will boost interest into the field at the undergraduate level as well as supporting STEM activities in robotics by organizing robotics summer schools. The center aims to increase the prevalence and quality of robotics research in our country with an improved impact both at a national and international level.